How Do Dental Fillings Work? A Step-by-Step Guide

You may feel concerned if the dentist says you need a dental filling. You need a dental filling when you have a cavity in your tooth. Although they are slightly unpleasant, they are also extremely common. Statistics say that 92 percent of adults have had dental caries, also known as cavities.

You may also need a filling if you have a cracked or broken tooth or if your teeth are worn down from habits like tooth-grinding or nail-biting. Take some of the mystery out of this standard procedure and know what to expect when getting a dental filling from a San Antonio dentist.

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay leads to needing a dental filling. Tooth decay occurs when you get a permanent hole in the surface of your tooth. The most common reasons for this include:

  • Frequently drinking sugary sodas
  • Frequent snacking, especially on foods that are high in carbohydrates (like chips, crackers, or candy)
  • Not brushing your teeth well enough or often enough
  • Experiencing dry mouth (often as a side effect of medications)

When you have these factors, you’re at greater risk of developing a dental cavity.

Treating tooth decay

A dental filling repairs the hole in your tooth. If left untreated, a cavity grows bigger and will eventually cause more symptoms.

The dentist begins by numbing your mouth so that you won’t feel any pain during the procedure. They usually put an anesthetic gel on your gums first and then give you a shot to further numb your mouth. Next, the dentist uses a drill to remove any tooth decay. Then, the dentist will probe your tooth to make sure they have removed all the decay.

Once the decay is all removed, the dentist fills the hole in your tooth. Depending on your preferences and insurance coverage, they may use a metal amalgam (usually silver) or a composite amalgam (white.) These fillings are necessary to protect the nerve. If you choose the composite amalgam, the dentist cures the amalgam, which is then applied in layers, each cured with a special light. Finally, the dentist will finish and polish your tooth so that the end result feels like your natural tooth again.

Why treat tooth decay

You may think you can just ignore tooth decay, but this is a bad idea. Tooth decay gets worse over time, and cavities become deeper. You could end up needing more extensive repairs, including a root canal and a crown. You could also find that it develops into a bigger problem, such as a dental abscess, which requires emergency treatment.

If you have a tooth that needs a filling, call the San Antonio dental fillings experts, Aesthetic Dental Partners, today.

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