You No Longer Have to Suffer From Dental Anxiety

dentist WurzbachThere are individuals so nervous about going to the dentist, they can’t even bring themselves to going for a simple cleaning and dental exam. The mere smells and sounds of a dental office can make patients uneasy. There are solutions for anxious patients, along with those who are unable to sit or recline for extended periods and those suffering from a physical or mental condition that makes dental treatment difficult for both the patient and dentist.

For some, they are afraid they might have a cavity or require what they perceive will be a painful treatment process. This fear could result in worse discomfort or a lost tooth.

Fear of the unknown and the surrounding atmosphere are no longer reasons to avoid going to the dentist. Anxiety relief through the use of nitrous oxide and/or oral sedation can make dental fear and trepidation a thing of the past.

Nitrous oxide (which many people refer to as laughing gas) is a compound administered with a mix of oxygen to produce a relaxed sensation. A nose cone is used to dispense this means of sedation. The patient is put at ease but remains conscious throughout treatment; and the effects of nitrous oxide cease upon termination of use.

For patients requiring more help, oral sedation is another option. With oral sedation dentistry, the patient must consult with the dentist to make sure they are a good candidate for this type of treatment. Once approved, the patient is prescribed a mild sedative to take at home about one hour before their scheduled appointment.

With oral sedation, the patient must have reliable transportation both to and from their dental appointment. Upon arrival at the dentist’s office, the patient is administered additional medication to deepen their sedation, but they remain awake throughout treatment. The patient is continually monitored and their vital signs are checked constantly to guarantee their comfort and safety.

Upon treatment completion, the patient is allowed to leave once the dental provider is satisfied they are physically able to go home. The patient will feel a little groggy for the remainder of the day so a return to work or school is discouraged.

Whichever type of sedation works best for you, fear of the dentist is no longer a valid reason to put off a much needed cleaning, dental exam, or treatment.

To learn more about your sedation options, or to schedule your next appointment, contact Aesthetic Dental Partners at 210-616-0858 today.

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