7 Common Causes of Toothaches

There’s nothing like a toothache to ruin your day. It makes eating, sleeping, or working difficult, so what are the most common causes of toothaches? 

That’s a good question. Let’s take a look at these 7 common causes of toothaches: 

1. Tooth Decay is Among the Most Common Causes of Toothaches

When the acid in your mouth erodes the enamel of one or more teeth, that’s when tooth decay can set in. You know these holes in your teeth as cavities. Once the enamel is eroded, bacteria can cause an infection in the tooth, which can be very painful.

2. Broken Tooth

Another of the most common causes of toothaches is a fractured or broken tooth. When your tooth is fractured, it can expose the nerve running through the tooth. That’s usually when the pain starts. 

3. Abscesses are One of the Worst Causes of Toothaches

When an infection spreads into the interior part of the tooth, that’s an abscess. The problem with this kind of infection is that it has no place to drain. That creates pressure in the tooth, and you feel the pain. 

4. Repetitive Motions

Certain repetitive motions like chewing gum or bruxism (grinding your teeth) is another common cause of toothache. You can also cause some of your teeth to become loose from this kind of motion. 

5. Gum Infections

It might not be your tooth that’s infected; it could be your gums. Red, swollen, and tender gums from gingivitis can be caused by an infection. That infection can make your toothache as well as your gums. 

6. Damaged Fillings

Another of the most common causes of toothaches is damaged fillings. Those fillings cover a cavity; when they are damaged, it can cause pain and re-open the cavity for an infection to start anew. 

7. Teeth Erupting is one of the Most Common Causes of Toothaches

You might not remember when you were young, but erupting teeth can be painful. Of course, it’s all part of a child’s typical growing pains, but teens and young adults can experience this pain too when their wisdom teeth are coming in. This is particularly true if they’re coming in at an odd angle. 

Final Thoughts

If you’ve got a toothache, you must see your dentist to ensure a small problem doesn’t become a big one. At Aesthetic Dental Partners, we’re experts at finding out what’s causing your toothache and alleviating the pain. So give our office a call today for an appointment.

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