
Root canal therapy is a tooth-saving procedure. Instead of extracting a damaged tooth with an infected root canal, your dentist can use precise tools to enter the inside of the tooth and remove the threat of infection. One of the most common symptoms associated with...

It’s amazing how an item as small as a tooth can have such a huge impact on your life. When you are missing teeth, you don’t seem to smile as big, and dinner also becomes more difficult to swallow. However, with dentures, you can restore...

When you brush your teeth and floss in the morning, you may be motivated for more cosmetic reasons: You want your teeth to look as pearly white as possible. However, proper dental care also plays a critical role in your oral health—in preventing gingivitis, or...

Undergoing the tooth whitening process will not cause sensitivity; however, if you are one of the many patients dealing with the twinge from sweets, cold, or heat, there are considerations before undergoing the teeth whitening process. There are many whitening products that can be purchased from...