Helping Treat Your Sleep Apnea

Helping Treat Your Sleep Apnea

Man sleeping in bed on white pillow

Do you have problems with chronic snoring that disturb your loved ones throughout the night? Do you wake up each morning feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep? These symptoms could indicate that you suffer from sleep apnea. Without proper treatment, this disorder can lead to health problems beyond annoying your family and feeling restless each day. Advanced apnea can lead to serious problems with your cardiovascular problem and take a toll on your immune system.

At your San Antonio, TX dentist’s office, we could provide an oral appliance to help you fully breathe while you sleep and allow you to wake up feeling refreshed. This convenient alternative to a continuous positive airway (CPAP) machine can be a real benefit for patients who have difficulty complying with CPAP therapy. Because we custom-fit each device to fit your specific smile, you can rest comfortably at night with the knowledge that you are not damaging your heart by failing to breathe.

Preventing Your Airways From Opening

Sleep apnea takes hold whenever your airways can not properly conduct oxygen to your lungs. Causes that obstruct your mouth, nose, and throat include obesity, large tonsils, and a collapse of soft tissue. As your airways constrict, your breathing may cease for as long as a minute or more. The rapid reduction in blood oxygen causes you to wake up gasping for air, interrupting your sleep cycle until the process repeats itself. You may experience this cycle hundreds of times each night, never getting the sleep you need to function properly during the daytime.

How Sleep Apnea Harms Your Overall Health

This condition leaves its mark on several processes that you require to maintain a healthy life. Because you never approach a consistent level of sleep, you spend your days unable to concentrate on work or school, feeling drained of your energy. The constant pauses in your breathing spike your blood pressure leading to serious consequences for your cardiovascular system. You must seek treatment or otherwise risk experiencing strokes, heart disease, and heart attacks. As lack of sleep impairs your body’s immune response, this condition can lead to a higher amount of overall illnesses until you get it under control.

Wearing A Custom Oral Appliance

To open your airway, we could design a custom oral appliance to wear while you sleep. By molding this device to your specific smile, we create an appliance that is easy to keep in place while unconscious. By gently gliding your jaw into an open position, we maintain your open airway and can treat your snoring as well.

Speak With Your San Antonio, TX, Dentist About Treatment For A Sound Night’s Rest!

If you experience sleep apnea, our practice can help you get a full night’s rest and protect your body from the harm of not breathing. If you would like to learn more about this service, please call Aesthetic Dental Partners in San Antonio, TX today at (210) 446-3446.