Sleep Apnea San Antonio

Man sleeping in bed on white pillow

Do you have problems with chronic snoring that disturb your loved ones throughout the night? Do you wake up each morning feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep? These symptoms could indicate that you suffer from sleep apnea. Without proper treatment, this disorder can lead to health problems beyond annoying your family and feeling restless each day. Advanced apnea can lead to serious problems with your cardiovascular problem and take a toll on your immune system. At your San Antonio, TX dentist's office, we could provide an oral appliance to help you fully breathe while you sleep and allow you to wake up feeling refreshed. This convenient alternative to a continuous positive airway (CPAP) machine can be a real benefit for patients who have difficulty complying with CPAP therapy. Because we custom-fit each device to fit your specific smile, you can rest comfortably at night with the knowledge that you are not damaging your heart by failing to breathe.