Porcelain Veneers as an Alternative to Braces

porcelain veneers San AntonioEveryone wants straight teeth and a beautiful smile. Orthodontic care can take years to complete. For adults who desire the great smile, but want to achieve it in weeks instead of years, there are porcelain veneers to satisfy this need.

Porcelain veneers are wafer thin, tooth colored shells that are made to replicate your teeth in shape, size, and color. Your cosmetic dentist will fabricate one, two, or numerous veneers to be cemented to the front of teeth to perfect your smile in just a few visits.

Some of the issues you can correct include:

Crooked or misshapen teeth – Braces will actually move teeth, but this can take years to complete.

Unwanted gaps between teeth – These spaces appear to close overnight with veneers.

How do veneers work? After your cosmetic dentist has consulted with you to determine your needs, photographs and impressions are a couple of tools used to help fabricate your veneers.

A small amount of dental enamel (about the thickness of the veneer) is removed from each tooth to be treated. This allows the veneer(s) to be placed to form a natural and symmetrical appearance with remaining untreated teeth.

The veneers are tried on first to make sure they fit and appear exactly as designed. If small adjustments are needed, your cosmetic dentist can perform these adjustments at the time they are placed. Once perfect, the veneers are permanently cemented on the front of the teeth correcting the cosmetic issues that have marred your smile.

Porcelain veneers are stain resistant, and actually add strength to treated teeth. In addition to addressing problems associated with orthodontia, veneers are appropriate to resolve other problems as well including:

  • Teeth stain that does not respond to cleaning or whitening efforts or might be too extensive for bonding
  • Gum recession
  • Worn dental enamel or unevenly sized teeth
  • Chipped teeth

Eating with veneers might require a little restraint. For example, you will not want to bite into anything hard or chewy with your treated teeth. Veneers are very strong, but are not invincible. If one is broken, replacement is usually required.

Caring for dental veneers is the same as the care provided for all your teeth. Brush and floss daily and visit the dentist every six months for cleaning and exam.

To learn more about porcelain veneers or if it’s time for your semiannual appointment, contact our office today!

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