Porcelain Veneers Create Stunning Smiles

Porcelain veneers can transform your appearance and your outlook on life. These permanent cosmetic enhancements can turn a smile ravaged by wear and tear, stains, and decay into a smile that is white, proportionate, and healthy looking. People with crooked and gapped teeth benefit from porcelain veneers, too. Our cosmetic dentist can help you determine… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers Create Stunning Smiles

What habits should I avoid with veneers?

With porcelain veneers, our cosmetic dentist can make having the smile of your dreams a reality. These custom-made cosmetic enhancements produce a flaw-free smile that compliments your oral anatomy and your facial features. Veneers are an investment so it’s wise to know how to care for them and what habits you should avoid so that… Continue reading What habits should I avoid with veneers?

Will porcelain veneers match the shade of my other teeth?

Porcelain veneers provide a treatment option that can resolve numerous dental problems. Our cosmetic dentist will be able to provide a match so closely to untreated teeth, no one will be able to tell which teeth have been enhanced with this solution to improve your appearance. How Veneers Work  A consultation with our cosmetic dentist… Continue reading Will porcelain veneers match the shade of my other teeth?

How Porcelain Veneers Correct Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps between teeth may be endearing for some, but loathed by others. If you fall into the second category, you can make those gaps disappear without long term treatment plans. Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic option that can correct those unwanted gaps in a matter of weeks. A consultation with your cosmetic dentist will show… Continue reading How Porcelain Veneers Correct Gaps Between Teeth

Porcelain Veneers: How long will the process take?

Seen as a fabulous solution for many cosmetic dental maladies, porcelain veneers involve a process that usually takes a couple of weeks and two or three visits with your cosmetic dentist. The first visit consists of a discussion explaining the actual procedure, providing the patient with a detailed treatment plan that outlines the number of… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers: How long will the process take?

Porcelain Veneers as an Alternative to Braces

Everyone wants straight teeth and a beautiful smile. Orthodontic care can take years to complete. For adults who desire the great smile, but want to achieve it in weeks instead of years, there are porcelain veneers to satisfy this need. Porcelain veneers are wafer thin, tooth colored shells that are made to replicate your teeth… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers as an Alternative to Braces

Porcelain Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

Porcelain veneers are the perfect solution for many cosmetic problems including teeth stain; broken/chipped teeth; uneven/malformed teeth; unwanted gaps between teeth; or receding gums. Stains – when teeth are marred by difficult stain or are discolored due to medications, tobacco use, or lifestyle habits you don’t want to speak, eat, or smile in public. Having… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

Porcelain Veneers: Affordable Luxury

Some people might think that cosmetic dental treatments are only reserved for the rich and famous. While it’s true that many wealthy and well-known people have benefited from cosmetic enhancements, such as porcelain veneers, plenty of people from all walks of life have had their smiles improved with cosmetic treatments, too. In fact, our cosmetic… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers: Affordable Luxury

Porcelain Veneers: Do they have to be applied to all teeth?

Porcelain veneers are a tremendously valuable tool that can help a cosmetic dentist drastically improve a smile’s appearance. Even a single stained, damaged, misshapen or crooked tooth can be enhanced using veneers. The treatment can also be used on a small stretch of unattractive teeth. Some patients express concern that a porcelain veneer might stick… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers: Do they have to be applied to all teeth?

Porcelain Veneers: A Versatile Cosmetic Treatment Option

A first impression can be determined by the condition of your teeth. Patients that have chipped, stained, or discolored teeth may appear to have little self-confidence or self-esteem. There is a dental procedure that is minimally invasive that can cure multiple dental imperfections, and that is porcelain veneers. A brief consultation with your cosmetic dentist… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers: A Versatile Cosmetic Treatment Option

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