Top 4 Reasons for a Root Canal

If you need a root canal and you’re dreading the procedure, you’re not alone. As a long-time San Antonio dental office, we’re aware that root canals don’t have the best reputation—and we’ve even heard all the jokes about them! But in reality, the root canal is a very safe, painless procedure that’s often necessary if you want to improve your dental health. In fact, dentists in this country safely perform about 15 million root canals per year. That’s because the root canal solves several dental problems, such as the following common issues.

You Have an Infected Tooth

For many people, a root canal is necessary to get rid of a tooth infection. After all, it removes the pulp of the tooth and cleans the infected nerve. This eliminates the bacteria behind the infection, stopping it from spreading to other teeth. Plus, if you ignore a tooth infection, it could spread to other parts of the body, including the heart, lungs and brain—which could be deadly. So if you’re experiencing tooth pain and decay, the tooth may be infected, making it a good candidate for a root canal from your local dentist.

You’re Experiencing Tooth Pain

A decaying tooth is very painful. Whether you’re sure the pain is caused by an infection or another issue, a visit to a dentist can clear it up. During your appointment, you’ll get a diagnosis and a treatment plan, which may include a root canal to get rid of your dental problem and the pain it’s causing.

You’re at Risk of Losing a Tooth

If your dentist tells you your tooth’s pulp is dead or damaged, you have a couple of options. One is extracting the tooth, leaving you with a gap unless you opt for a dental implant or bridge. But in many cases, a root canal can save the tooth so you won’t have to get it removed. Instead, the dentist will clean it and put a crown on it so it continues to function like your other teeth—preserving your smile and keeping your jawbone intact.

You’ve Had Tooth Trauma

If you’ve ever hit your tooth hard, its appearance may have changed. Whether there’s a chip or crack in it, or it’s become discolored, a root canal may help. When you visit a dentist for this procedure, he or she can clean and seal the tooth in a way that conceals the trauma and improves its appearance, restoring your smile.

If any of these reasons for a root canal sound familiar, contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Content found on this blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please speak with a professional if you have concerns about your oral health.


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